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Fireblade Aircraft on ramp

Fireblade Aviation rolls out the Aviation4SA App to its employees

Aviation4SA partners with Fireblade Aviation to roll out the Aviation4SA App to their employees.

All of the employees of Fireblade Aviation now have access to the Aviation4SA App to help them stay up to date with the latest updates to aviation legislation and any changes in the industry that are relevant to them.

Fireblade Aviation is a world-class facility for business aviation at O.R. Tambo International Airport. They offer a full range business terminal and charter services that caters to the varied needs of their discerning clients.

It is a no brainer

Captain Johnny Laing, Director Operations and Board Member of Fireblade Aviation had this to say about the decision, “It is a no brainer. We are on-board”.

Fireblade Aviation understand the importance of and value in legislative compliance, enhanced safety and the importance of being at the forefront of cutting-edge technology. It was with this in mind that they were eager to become Aviation4SA’s first corporate client.

Their Flight Crew, Ground Staff, Engineers and Management all now have immediate access to aviation legislation offline on their smart devices. The information that is found on the Aviation4SA app will be invaluable to ensuring the staff at Fireblade Aviation stay up to date with the latest changes, updates and news in the aviation industry.

Aviation4SA is excited to welcome this new partner on board and looks forward to growing and strengthening the relationship with this iconic brand.

Photo credit: Fireblade Aviation

About Aviation4SA

Aviation4SA, founded in 2017, offers the aviation industry legislation at their fingertips. The mission of Aviation4SA is to provide the industry with the latest, consolidated, current and cross-referenced aviation legislation in South Africa.

The team at Aviation4SA is made up of experts in their field of aviation who are still actively involved in the Industry, including Senior Corporate and Airline Pilots, Instructors, Examiners, Legal experts and Managers. This means they have first-hand knowledge in Aviation and Legislation making their contribution extremely important and relevant.

The Aviation4SA app can be easily downloaded on any smart device and once downloaded the information is available offline. Anyone in the aviation industry from pilots and air traffic controllers to lecturers and managers will benefit from the wealth of information on the app.

Enhancing aviation safety through legal compliance.

Benefits of the Aviation4SA app

  • Specific to South Africa
  • Consolidated, current and cross-referenced legislation
  • Automatically updated so you are always up to date
  • Hyperlinked for easy cross-referencing
  • Notifications of legislative changes
  • Content available offline
  • SA-CATS and CAR’S
  • Acts, Regulations, Rules and Ministerial Orders
  • Agreements, charges, fees and taxes
  • Amendments and proposed amendments
  • AIC’s and AIP’s
  • SACAA Communique, guidelines and notices
  • Covid-19 Regulations and Directions affecting aviation.





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